Business card Augmented Reality

AR Business Card

One would think in the digital world of today business cards have become obsolete but that is far from true. Business cards have been used for centuries and even nowadays they remain to be the easiest and fastest way to share your key contact details while at the same time providing others with a glance of your company’s message and potential, so people can remember you after a meeting. Of course, you can exchange your details digitally but nothing is more personal than meeting up in real life and handing over your business card to make a more lasting impression. It looks like a tiny piece of paper but it is a great marketing tool to create trust and convey a message to potential customers to establish your brand.

Augmented Reality Business Card created with Onirix

Good reasons to promote your business with AR business cards

Business cards should not be overcrowded with information to make a good and clear impression which makes differentiating yourself from others a difficult task. You can use an original design or even different materials and shapes to make your cards different from others. But you will still have a limited amount of additional information you can add to such a little card, especially if you do not want to make it too cluttered. With AR you can make a huge impression on a small piece of paper by adding all kinds of media like videos, audios, social media etc. to promote yourself and your business and conveying a message in a visual way that sticks. 

Create your own AR business cards

A white card is difficult to scan for a computer, so to create business cards that can activate an AR experience, you need a distinctive design that includes colors and geometrical shapes. Onirix is the perfect tool to help you create your cards with AR in an easy and intuitive way. Be different and make sure people remember you after meeting up by combining the traditional business card with all that the digital world has to offer. Let your cards come to live and tell your company’s story for you.

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