Publishing Augmented Reality

AR for Publishing and Books

In the world of publishing and editorials, augmented reality (AR) can play an important role when it comes to bridging the gap between traditional and virtual reading. The possibilities AR can offer to bring the printed word to life are plenty. Not only can it make the stories on paper more tangible, dynamic and interactive but in doing so, it can also help people to engage more with the written word.

Especially for children, AR can be a great tool that can contribute to making learning more fun for them and thus increasing their attention span and focus. After all, the need for kids to absorb information can sometimes prevent them from focusing on the same subject for too long. AR can help them on their journey of learning by transforming the books into real-life adventures that are played out in their own surroundings and help speed up the learning process. As most children nowadays have access to a smartphone or even own one themselves, this makes AR an accessible tool.

Augmented Reality enhanced book

Advantages of using AR in publishing

With the world becoming more digital, it almost seems like the printed word is losing its importance. People, especially the younger generations, are becoming more and more digitally oriented and less prone to read from paper. Obviously, it would be an enormous loss if people stopped reading from paper altogether. AR can help to mend this rift that is forming by making words on paper more interactive and immersive, while at the same time maintaining the importance and the charm of the written word on paper.

AR for educational books for kids

AR is the perfect remedy if you want to present complex concepts in a concise manner. By making a book go from 2D to something they can actually experience in the space around them, you are making learning more immersive. This way it will be easier to grab their attention and focus it on the educational material in front of them. Imagine, for example, working with flashcards that include 3D information to help children learn letters, shapes, and numbers.

AR-enhanced books for kids

Kids love stories, the more colorful the better. And what a better way to enjoy a story than being able to immerse yourself in your favorite book. Using AR, you can add an extra layer of information to a book to make the story more interactive and real. By adding, for example, sound and audios to it you can give the characters of the book a voice to talk directly to the children. Another option is to hide objects in the book and let the children go on a treasure hunt to find them. You can even give the book different endings, so the kids have the possibility to influence the outcome of the story.

Storytelling with AR books for children

Types of media that can be used in Augmented Reality

There are several types of media that can be used in AR and depending on what you want to achieve, one can be more effective than the other. Of course, you can also use different types of media in the same experience. Adding visual stimulants to a published work, like videos, text or 3D models, will make an experience interactive. Adding sound, on the other hand, appeals to a different sense than the eyes and can make the experience more intense for the viewer because sounds have an enveloping effect.

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