Augmented Reality for design and exhibitions

Design, Art, and Exhibitions with AR

Art has always existed in the history of mankind, whether it was paintings on a cave wall or as a modern piece of art in a museum. Art is a means of expression from the artist who wants to evoke a feeling, thought or emotion in the onlooker. It is mostly something you look at, although interactive art exists as well and is nothing new under the sun. 

Augmented Reality creates the possibility to make all art immersive and interactive, even the art that is not. It can create an experience in physical space and thus bring a painting or a sculpture to life. 

AR exhibition in Venice, credits Jam Sutton

Why are so many artists using Augmented Reality?

AR opens a world of possibilities when it comes to adding additional layers to an artwork. Not only can it be used to give more information about the piece itself, but this tool can also create an interaction with the person looking at it and making it, therefore, more of a personal experience. By adding sensory information to the piece of art, like for example sound, it can evoke deeper emotions, making the impact better felt and less easy to forget. No wonder, artists like to experiment with AR and see to what new level it can bring their work of art.

How can Augmented Reality improve exhibitions and events?

Like we said before, AR can spark a piece of art into life and as most people are visually oriented this will catch their attention on a deeper level. They will be able to interact with the artwork making it an immersive experience; it will make them feel like a part of it. This can obviously improve the way people experience going to exhibitions or events. But that is not the only thing AR can do for improvement. It can also function as your own private guide through an exhibition or event, leading you to all the interesting places and giving you additional information to the one you already have.

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How AR changes the way we experience an exhibition

How can Augmented Reality help art galleries to sell more? 

Apart from AR being used by many artists and helping to improve the exhibitions and events, we could also ask ourselves how augmented reality can help art galleries reach more people and sell more of its art. Of course, you can buy art online, so people do not have to go to the physical gallery but that is not the same as seeing it in real life. Art needs to be seen and felt to appeal to a buyer. AR is the logical next step because it allows you to experience it without leaving your home. Just imagine a tool that lets you see exactly how that piece of art would look in your own house. Is it big enough for that particular wall? Do the colors look good with the rest of the interior? All these questions and more can be answered with AR and by doing so making the step to buy art much easier for the consumer. 

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