Extended reality (XR) represents a fusion of immersive technologies that blend the physical and virtual worlds, encompassing virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) technologies. These...
What is an Avatar Applied to Augmented Reality? An augmented reality (AR) avatar is a digital representation of a user or character that can be superimposed onto the real...
Augmented reality (AR) applied to events is a technology that combines virtual elements with the real environment to provide an interactive and immersive experience for attendees.
In today's digital age the way we interact with technology and information is evolving rapidly. One of the latest frontiers in this evolution is Web Extended Reality or WebXR.
Creative agencies and media agencies, in many cases combined in terms of integrated digital creation and dissemination services, try to find solutions that respond to the objectives and indicators...
Augmented reality is a type of technology that is redefining the way we interact with our environment. It provides us with contextualised and valuable information about the world around...
The retail industry is one of the industries that has been investing the most in digital transformation in recent years. In fact, it is one of the sectors that...
Augmented reality has achieved great trajectory in different work and production sectors. It is increasingly present in everyday life and many companies are using it for the purpose of...