Case study: Xing & Kochan partner
Augmented reality is a very useful tool to perform marketing tasks, and thereby generate personalized and interactive experiences for different clients and types. That is why the German marketing company, Kochan Partner, contacted us to make this mobile application to provide a solution to one of their main customers: Xing.
RA app developed to show a Xing stand
XING is a social network for business contacts based in Hamburg. The site focuses mainly on the German-speaking market, alongside Xing Spain, and competes with the American LinkedIn platform.
RA as a marketing tool
Thanks to our platform a company like Kochan Partner, oriented to generate resources, experiences, solutions, and campaigns for its customers, has been able to generate an RA experience in an agile and fast way for Xing.

In this case, the client has chosen to share via email information about their new physical stands, by sending attached a brand image that any of the recipients could scan with their application, and thereby view the contents of the stand on their table.
More about our white label service can be found here.